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Tutorial 18

E18 Using XMLBeam without a projection interface to resolve a postal code

This example demonstrates using XMLBeam without a projection interface.

  • Using direct evaluation API
  • Retrieve data from multiple address components without iterating manually through elements

XML Data

The postal code is stored in one of many address_component elements. With data binding you would need to iterate over all of these elements to find the one containing the postal code.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <formatted_address>Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014, USA</formatted_address>
   <long_name>Infinite Loop</long_name>
   <short_name>Infinite Loop</short_name>
   <long_name>Santa Clara County</long_name>
   <short_name>Santa Clara County</short_name>
   <long_name>United States</long_name>

Example Code

You only need just one line of code to read the postal code. You do not need even a projection interface in this case.

public void postalCodeRetrieval() {
    String searchURL=",%20Cupertino,%20CA%2095014,%20USA%22";
    String pathToElement="/GeocodeResponse/result/address_component[type='postal_code']/long_name";
    long postalCode = new XBProjector().io().url(searchURL).evalXPath(pathToElement).as(Long.TYPE);